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Theories of  Asian Architecture

This module helps us to explore and enhance our knowledge about the history of architecture in South, Southeast, and East Asia as a whole, as well as architectural design and features, construction, building science, and technology.

-Project 1-

Contextual Study Sketch Journal of A Traditional Street

In this assignment, we are required to choose a traditional street to study the distinctive characteristics of the street. Based on the selected street, we are then required to determine the street's physical and non-physical settings from a variety of perspectives. Jalan Tun HS Lee is the traditional street I've chosen; it was one of Kuala Lumpur's first and most significant commercial thoroughfares. We need to create 10 pages of A4-sized sketches to demonstrate our knowledge of the distinctive physical and non-physical settings of the selected street, we must create 10 pages of A4-sized sketches.

Self Reflection

I've gained knowledge about the connection between architecture and its social, cultural, and intellectual environment via this project. This exercise also teaches me how to recognise a typical street's distinguishing features. I was better able to understand the street's physical and non-physical settings, which strengthened my connection to Malaysia's historic architecture and the value of preserving our national identity. The relationship between Malaysia's three main ethnic groups—Malay, Chinese, and Indian, is still evident in Jalan Tun HS Lee, which is why I find its social and cultural essence to be so amazing. By creating the sketch journal, I was able to practise my drawing and line-art skills as well.



This was a small exercise where we had to express our knowledge of a specific tradition of architecture in an A3 format. We are required to select one type of traditional architecture and create an infographic to reflect our understanding of the selected type of traditional architecture based on design thinking, history, society, and culture, building typology, spatial layout conception, structures, materials, and constructions. This infographic will be based on the lecture handout and external resources our lecturer has provided. Chinese architecture is the traditional style I've picked because it has a long history and appeals to my sense of beauty.

Traditional Chinese Architecture.png

Self Reflection

It was very interesting to learn about the influences that affected traditional Chinese architecture as it is part of my culture. Throughout this assignment, I also understand more about design thinking, history, society and culture, building typology, spatial layout conception, structures, materials, and constructions of Chinese Traditional Architecture. I had fun doing this assignment as it was satisfying to organize the information and graphics on the board. I have learned how to organize an infographic poster in a clear way so that readers may understand it.

-Project 2-

Poster and Seminar-Contemporary Issues in Asian Architecture

This is a group assignment and we are required to form a group with 6 people. The goal of this group project is to develop a critical awareness of tradition, modernism, and globalisation in Asian architectural contexts. This project is a spinoff of Project 1, where we had to broaden our research to fit the precise parameters of the investigation by pursuing one of the following directions—Architecture and Place Identity, Adaptive Re-use of Traditional Architecture, Sustainable Heritage Tourism, or Cultural Space in Cities. This project has 3 submissions which included a Topic Proposal, Research Poster, and Video Presentation.

Copy of Development of Contemporary Architecture as a key towards the Loss of Architectura

Self Reflection

Based on the observations from Project 1, my group decided on focusing on Jalan Tun H.S. Lee. I was able to gain a thorough awareness of the problems with globalisation in Asian architecture with the encouragement of critical thinking and problem-solving techniques. Additionally, I was able to comprehend the problems associated with the growth of contemporary architecture better. I've also learned how to communicate research findings through expressive and effective verbal communication as we have to do a pre-recorded presentation video. Throughout this project, I have learned the importance of heritage conservation and its effects on society.

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