Chin Han Ping
Elements of Natural and Built Environment
To understand the importance of that nature
To appreciate nature
<Assignment 1 (A)>
In this assignment, I was given the task to watch a nature documentary "Earth" from 2007 and make a nature dialogue based on the documentary itself. I was required to present factual information, personal experiences, observation, and thought on floras, faunas, settings, natural phenomena, etc on A4 size documents. The content requires your observation, extended research, and reflection on the things that you have been documenting and experiencing.
<Assignment 1 (B)>
For assignment 1B, we were assigned a natural setting to discuss in a group of 4-5 people. The task requires are to talk about scientific facts, characteristics, adaptations, positive/negative impacts of human activities as well as ideas to overcome the issues. We were also required to develop a 6 to 8 minutes (maximum 8 minutes) video discussion on the nature topic that covers the scope of items listed. The discussion video shall be in a form of role acting. During the discussion, we will also need to insert visual media such as images/diagrams/short videos or etc to support our information or conversation during the discussion. We may use ‘share screen’ in ‘zoom’ or edit our video using a video editor that can be downloaded online for
free to incorporate our visual media.
<Assignment 2 (A)>
This is an individual assignment, I was required to recall, study, and virtually visit my hometown. I was required to show my understanding of the different elements of the built environment by making a pamphlet covering the tangible and intangible components of my hometown. I have to analyze and investigate various aspects such as building typology, road circulation, facilities, softscapes, safety, sense of place, and many more. Lastly, I have to use different media/tools/techniques to present my project.
<Assignment 2 (B)>
For the last assignment of our module, We worked in groups of 4. There were two parts in this assignment. For part A, we were asked to do a case study on an existing public space based on the list given. Then, we need to study the tangible and intangible components and put the data collected in canva poster. For part B, our group has to brainstorm ideas including the SOPs (standard operating procedure), built components/elements from the built environment, and the function of the public space in the SketchUp file given and make some adjustments.
<Attendance Task 2>
For this task, we were required to watch four videos about the Walled City of Kowloon and write a reflection on how important the knowledge of the built environment and abiding building law ensure healthy, safe, and positive life quality. We were also required to state some memorable scenes from this virtual trip.